Lawatan PSS INTESABER di SMK Sg Besar

Pada 9 Februari 2012, PSS INTESABER telah mengadakan lawatan penanda aras (LPA) di SMK Sg Besar.

Aktiviti-aktiviti sempena bulan PSS

Pertandingan Pantun anjuran Kelab Bahasa Melayu dan Pusat Sumber sempena Bulan Pusat Sumber.

Aktiviti-aktiviti di SMK Sg Besar

Sesi pembukaan Majlis Perasmian LPA PSS INTESABER. Majlis dirasmikan dengan bacaan doa oleh Pengerusi kita, Abdul Hadi.

Hari Sukaneka PSS

PSS telah mengadakan hari sukaneka yang bertujuan untuk merapatkan hubungan antara silaturrahim..

Kebanggaan kami sebagai Pengawas Pusat Sumber SBP

Kami, PSS SBPI Sabak Bernam akan sentiasa berusaha memenuhi matlamat dan sasaran sekolah di peringkat SBP.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Library Month

Start on 19 March 2012 until 13 April 2012 , our librarians of Intesaber will work hard to do the best for the library month . All activities have been told to all sports house and on this holiday , everyone were preparing for their part in library month that will be coming soon .
   List of the activities :
   *spelling bee
   *table note
   *scraft book
   *Power point presentation
   * "teka silang kata"
   * "hikayat 3 kepala"
   *guess who i am?
   *public speaking
   *family day(just for librarian)
   *debate BM
   *debate BI
   *story telling
and another more activities ..
so , to all librarian , you must prepare yourself , physical and mental .
last word , make our mom #Miss Chien# proud of us .. .. ..